
We have a dedicated Sustainability Working Group helping us to take action to be a more environmentally-friendly and sustainable laboratory. 

Business initiatives

Initiatives already in place have resulted in significant reduction in paper use, increased recycling of waste and use of more biodegradable or reusable consumables. We are introducing a greener fleet and working towards phasing out petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030. We are investigating changes to packaging and liaising with suppliers to encourage change. The electricity which we use is entirely renewable.

We use FSC paper, recycle ink cartridges where possible and try only to send hard copy information when needed. We are transitioning to LED lighting and we turn off all lighting and equipment when possible. 

Personnel initiatives

Our Tearooms enable our teams to recycle glass, batteries, soft plastics/crisp wrappers, dry mixed recyclables and we also use various Terracycle schemes for other items including stationery. 

Environmental enhancement

We have enjoyed creating a bug hotel and are in the process of creating a nature pond, which we will fill with rainwater collected in water butts.

We have planted a range of bee-friendly flowering plants, including wild flowers, and will continue adding to this.

Recently we planted Wild Cherry, Silver Birch, Field Maple, Crab Apple and Hazel trees and we look forward to adding to this to help nature and benefit the wellbeing of our teams.

Along the way we have faced new considerations such as total environmental impact of new equipment purchase, motion sensor lighting vs LED and costs/benefits of moving away from plastics to a plant based alternative.

If you have any advice you would like to share, or any questions you would like us to try and answer, please email

We will continue to take action to reduce our environmental impact.