Results Interpretation

Veterinary clinical interpretation can be provided by our friendly team of medicine consultants, many of whom are board-certified in medicine. This can be provided in writing with the results, or as a telephone consultation.

Interpretation may be requested for any of our tests. In order for this to be meaningful it is important to provide a concise, relevant clinical history which includes clinical findings, results of other tests and medications. If interpretation is requested without providing clinical history, then you will be invited to call to discuss the clinical context rather than written interpretation being provided initially.

We provide veterinary clinical interpretation on every result for certain tests, examples of this would include positive quantitative serology results, some hormone assays where there is no reference interval and some microbiology results where we can provide some advice on antimicrobial stewardship.

We welcome telephone calls to discuss results, whether interpretation was requested at time of submission or not. We are also happy to discuss cases where no samples have yet been received, to provide insight and suggestions as to the most useful diagnostic work-up, or to support you with ongoing case management.

Our medicine consultants are here for you, the primary-care clinician. We would like you to see us as part of your team, working with you to provide the best clinical outcomes for your patients, very time.

Checklist for clinical history:

Presenting problem

Owner history and clinical exam summary

Differential diagnoses or diagnosis

Results of other tests, surgical or medical procedures performed and findings

Medication history including doses, duration and changes

Planned work-up

Questions you hope to answer from the tests ordered